Course Played as It Is Found Rule 8
Procedures for Ball: Marking, Lifting and Cleaning; Rule 14
Society Operation
The society plays a series of fixtures to a list, planned and published by the committee. These fixtures count towards an “Order of Merit” competition culminating in the award of the seasons champion for the highest points score of a predetermined proportion of rounds played.
4 events are also posted as seasonal “majors” for which there are seperate trophies.
The summer event is traditionally played over 3 rounds at a weekend away
Members obligations
Comply with the society rules and ethos.
Pay annual subscriptions, for which golf insurance will be purchased.
Book, plan, organise and deliver a fixture for the Order of Merit in accordance with a date allocated on the annual fixture list.
Take turn in organising a weekend away at least once every [20] years, subject to the membership count.
Don’t be an arsehole, the position is taken.
Members responsibility to have the major trophy engraved and polished if you have won and ready to return for the next major!
Membership – online EGM approved unlimited membership.
Approval in on line EGM of new members
subscriptions £30
Weekend away organisers
2021 – Andy W
2022 – Hubby
2023 – Pud
2024 – Bucko
finish involvement in Charity bucket.
Fixture programme to continue in current form plus memorial game.
to Continue
Order of play – Put seniors first rather than back of the tee offs or look after them when accompanying.
Players on 28+ option to play from seniors tees
Playing rules
Rule regarding a ball embedded through the green. In essence, the rule is a local rule for a ball embedded in its own pitch mark anywhere on the course except a hazard, and allows you to mark your ball, lift, clean it and drop as near to the marker as you can for no penalty.
Rule of lost ball (2005) penalty of 2 for stroke and distance be modified to allow the next shot to be played from any position on the hole not nearer the pin with agreement of fellow players e.g. middle of fairway.
increase from 18 to 20 and the repeal of the 2008 rules.
That new members be proposed by existing members, who consider them to be suitable candidates to enjoy and participate in the society. Approval after 3 cards submitted and a majority vote be all members. Handicap to be determined from the 3 cards or submission of official handicap card.
COMMITTEE structure will be 4 officers with a management committee of 3 while Hubby is treasurer but not acting on committee.
That for OOM games, winners are cut 1 shot and runner up cut 0.5 in addition to any normal handicap adjustment
Spot prize competitions can be handicapped such as nearest pin in 3 allowing those with 2 shots for the hole 1 shot extra. Generally, attempting to make each, at the organiser’s discretion, a fairer competition. However it was clarified that while prizes were now not compulsory some suggested that it did not stop an individual if they wished to provide prizes.
That there be a culture of responsibility where notification of intent to play rests with the player and not the fixture organiser and you are considered not playing until you register your intention.
That buggy users are not relegated to final tee off, but draw a combined number and tee off where they draw.
New competition for a £1 bet to win the pot on posting a gross birdie at a designated hole.
Jeff resolved to introduce a different Golf rule at each event to improve knowledge.
That the Weekend away winner should wear the green jacket to all games.